Jupiter V4 has Arrived?
It has been more than a year since Jupiter is released. Over 10000 users around the world use Jupiter to create beautiful websites. Now at its fourth generation, we are proud to say it just got even better in every possible way. We have looked to every corner of the theme and pushed our limits to put an step forward. With over 300 changes which consists of regular bug fixings, improvements and additions, we have added huge array of new features which will make site building much easier. All in all Jupiter V4 is your next level multi faceted site builder with supercharged backend and revamped frontend you have been long waiting.
Tell me about Migration.
We have done our best to make the migration the most smoothest transition ever. But few things that you should take care of.
Visual Composer should be installed independently
Visual Composer updated to most recent version (4.3.4) and all of its built-in shortcodes are preserved for those who need them. Its compatible with all Addons that are for sale in CodeCanyon. Since Jupiter V4 you will need to install/Update Visual Composer through:
1. Go to Appearance > Install Plugin.
2. Install Visual Composer, then activate it.
Please note that the Visual Composer that is bundled with Jupiter has been slightly modified, therefore all updates will be maintained by artbees.
Homepage Page Title
We have initially had page title disabled in homepage and an option to enable it from theme options if you wanted to have it back. We have removed this option from theme settings and its not enabled by default. In order to disable it:
1. Edit the page you have assigned as homepage.
2. Go to Jupiter Page Options > Manage Page Elements
3. Choose “Remove Page Title” and save the page.
Typography Options
We have done some changes under the hood to make font selection much easier, brought support for available font weights and font styles in Google Fonts. However you will need to choose the font family again if you find its unselected. Therefore check your typography options before upgrade on what you had it selected before.
Header Options
We have revamped header section and added many options to give you full control. To start with, go to theme options > general > Header and choose your header style, align. We have also added many new options to theme settings. Therefore we highly advise you to take some time and review all the new options.
Blank Template has been removed
We have removed blank template from theme as we have a better substitute for you. In order to remove header, page title, footer from your page, you will need to follow bellow steps.
1. Edit the page you have assigned as homepage.
2. Go to Jupiter Page Options > Manage Page Elements
3. Choose “Remove Header, Page Title, Footer” and save the page.
Under Construction template
We have removed Coming Soon template as its design and usage is deprecated. you can still build custom pages using Even Countdown to replicate the same template. If you are looking for something awesome We suggest you to get a free or premium plugin.
Custom sidebar widget areas may be lost
We have added 2 more predefined widget areas for side dashboard, this may cause a shift in custom sidebar widgets index order. therefore If you have created custom sidebars, note (the widgets you have used in them) somewhere before upgrade.
Child theme changes
No more import files required in child theme style.css and you can check this out in below video as well as the dummy child theme comes with the main package.
Widgets Folder directory is changed
If you are using child theme and have already overrided widgets, you will need to move the widgets folder from jupiter-child/framework/widgets to jupiter-child/widgets

update log
New Features
- The whole header recoded new header selector with multiple styles, transparent header and many more.
- Once Click demo templates install
- 4 Header styles are added with align possibility
- Visual Composer updated to most recent version (Front end editor is temporarily disabled due to some conflicts)
- Footer top border thickness and color options
- Typekit fonts integration
- Slideshow Box Shortcode
- Mega Menu Widgets and Backgrounds feature
- now logos can be changed per page/post basis
- now Header styles can be changed per post/page basis
- Sticky header border bottom color option
- Side dashboard feature
- mega Network widget & shortcode new styles and skinning options added
- Now all google font variation for selected font family will be loaded (if available)
- Animated column shortcode
- Image Box shortcode
- Flip Boxes shortcode
- Page Section Intro effects
- Image Gallery Shortcode Masonry style
- 5 Main navigation hover styles
- Header section social networks size and multiple styles added
- Sticky Header Bottom Border Color option
- Header Bottom Border Thickness option
- Main Navigation Top Level Hover & Current Skin Color option
- Main Navigation Sub Level Box Border Top Color option
- Main Navigation Sub Level Box Width option
- Main Navigation Mega menu title color
- Main Navigation option to disable Sub Level Box Shadow
- Main Navigation Sub Level Box Border Color option
- Image Resize Quality option in theme options
- New Employees style
- Option to change 404 template layout
- 404 design tweaks
- Revision capability to all custom post types
- Add default layout for blog post layout to feed from theme settings
- Update instafeed to new version
- Typewriter feature
- Image gallery shortcodes : Add option to choose between WP image sizes and image cropper
- Shop loop : Add option to choose between WP image sizes and image cropper
- Button Flat style text and background hover colour option
- Full screen search form
- Main Navigation Sub Level text size, text transform, font weight options
- Mega Menu column dividers colour option
- All slider and carousel arrows replaced with new line icons
- All Color pickers alpha support
- Blog Gallery post type feature
- New request social network icons are added (Weibo, Wechat, Renren, IMDb, vk.com, instagram, qzone, WhatsApp)
- Comments support to pages
- Sticky header offset option
- Sticky header fixed and scroll effects
- Milestone new design, text align and text size and colour options are added
- Columns padding and background options
- Site preloader, site wide or per page/post basis
- Blog, Portfolio and shop page navigation arrow buttons are added with unique effects
- Custom sidebar option now accepts all predefined widget areas too
- New options to divider shortcode (width, thickness and colour)
- New loading icon added to anywhere applicable
- Visual Composer builtin shortcodes are preserved and its now compatible with Visual composer addons
- Title Box => Letter spacing and Stroke size and colour options
- Tab Slider shortcode
- Header Cart section design changed
- Main Navigation Sub Menu width option
- Page title box shortcode with multiple styles
- Icon Box 2 shortcode with new design
- New line font icons
- Font Icon library page to search and locate icons easily
- Button shortcode new styles and animations
- Google Map option to set it full height
- Now possible to have different footer widgets per page/post basis
- Fancy title font style option
- Shop Carousel New style
- Option to change paragraph line height
- Option to change body text line height
- 3 Gallery masonry style
- Gallery new hover styles and options
- Main Navigation one page scroll performance fixes
- New Contact Form style
- Contact Form loading coded into button itself and the whole shortcode UI enhanced
- Page Title > option to activate bottom divider
- Upload Sticky header logo
- Upload Light header logo
- Upload Dark header logo
- Upload Mobile header logo
- Testimonial slideshow animation speed & slideshow speed options
- One half page section option
- Option to change excerpt length in blog shortcode
- Option to change excerpt length in blog showcase shortcode
- New Blog and portfolio next/prev navigation
- Login form now works with ajax callbacks
- Edge Slider Parallax feature
- Edge slider multiple pagination styles
- Edge slider multiple PageNav styles
- Clients shortcode new style and options
- Clients shortcode gutter padding option
- Testimonial shortcode new styles
- Option to change footer gutter space
- Option to change footer top and bottom paddings
- Fixed footer option
- Blog Teaser Style
- Blog Spotlight Style
- Blog Magazine Style
- Blog Thumbnail Style
- Now you can disable image cropping and choose WordPress default resized images
- Portfolio Recoded and redesigned
- Portfolio 6 new hover styles
- Portfolio Masonry Style
- Blog Portfolio New Sortable style
- Edge Slider caption size, custom colour options
- Edge Slider Header skin switcher option
- Option to disable social network WooCommerce single post
- Edge One Pager Shortcode
- Edge Slider letter spacing option
- Full Width option to footer section
- Button x-large and xx-large sizes
- Button roundedness option (pointed, rounded, circled)
- Skill Meter shortcode multiple styling options added
- Portfolio Ajax description metabox option instead of the main content (if left blank the main content will be used)
- portfolio custom archive template and fixed some bugs related to it
- google map shortcode : map type option
- LayerSlider updated to most recent version
- Revolution Slider updated to most recent version
- Minify CSS files option
- Clients shortcode margin button option.
- Page Section Full width option.
- Chart Shortcode icon size and colour option
- Footer Copyright text font size and letter spacing
- Footer Links Hover Color option
- Sidebar Links Hover Color option
- Side Dashboard Links Hover Color option
- LCD and Laptop slideshow visuals replaced with flat images
- Theme markup semantics improvements for SEO best practices
- Header toolbar & Its elements design enhancements
- Shop loops design touches and responsive fixes
- Page Title in Homepage option has been removed (Read V4 upgrade note)
- Typography settings UI improvements
- Woocommerce Cart page iphone portrait issue
- Employee and Icon Box shortcode blur style issues
- Its disabled in touch devices for better performance
- Parallax feature performance enhancements
- mk-smooth will be added dynamically wherever needed for smooth scroll
- Subnav widget now supports multi level
- Custom Menu widget sub menus are converted to accordions
- Text Transform default option added to page composer options
- Main Navigation script recoded to fix multiple issues
- Now all Page Meta options works in Shop archive page
- Notice in Custom Post Types edit page to instruct on how to view the posts
- gallery ajax load more does not when multiple gallery short codes are in the same page
- Blog and portfolio load more feature conflicts (you will need to edit the short codes using page composer and save it again to store a unique ID)
- Revise overall line heights
- portfolio classic style & Portfolio carousel classic style CSS tweaks
- Search loop CSS tweaks
- Portfolio carousel new hover styles are added
- circle image frame shortcode minor bug fixings
- Portfolio classic style design enhancements
- Portfolio sortable design enhancements
- All external jQuery plugins are updated to most recent version
- Theme settings > options locations and descriptions are changed for maximum usability
- Main navigation menu icon enhanced
- Quick Contact form stylings enhanced and updated
- page section code improvements
- shop single loop, product image : now will show original size without any crops and resize
- Header Banner Video is removed in mobile devices and replaced with preview image
- Date format in comments
- php changed to support all calendar
- Breadcrumbs recoded and fixed all issues related to shop and other single posts
- Now in more depth results
- Flexslider updated to v2.2.2
- Lightbox plugin replaced with a premium plugin fancy box to be more performant and mobile friendly
- General JS speed and memory improvements
- Widgets Folder is moved to theme root folder.
- Main stylesheet and main javascript file names changed from theme-styles.css, theme-scripts.js to styles.css, scripts.js
- Child theme style.css changed (import styles no longer needed).
Obsolete and Removed Features
- blank template has been removed! Use Manage Page Elements option in metaboxes instead.
- “Sticky Header” option in theme settings has been removed (We may add this option in next versions).
- Under construction feature removed.
- 1/5 column structure has been removed from Visual composer due to some major technical issues (incompatibility with visual composer v4.2)
Bug Fixings
- Header.php extra html tag
- Twittter widget undefined widget_id notice
- Main Navigation sub menu cut off when is out of the screen viewport
- contact form 7 bugs and improvements
- Fix the opacity issue in IE8 in hover portfolio issues
- In Firefox and Explorer the next previous not working in portfolio carousel
- Single portfolio stick template not working correctly
- Woocommerce Upsells loop opacity left zero causing it to stop working
- WPML portfolio filter issue
- Visual Composer > load template issue with page sections
- Simple google map was not working
- Audio player undefined variable error
- Blog and portfolio single fullwidth row issues
- Blog, Portfolio, news and Gallery shortcode Isotope script enhanced
- Edge Slider overlay colour issue that was affecting other slides too
- Page Section shortcode videos issue z-index when placed at top in touch devices
- Full height Page section is not fully full height, leaving extra space after the content
- Main Navigation one page scroll stops in wrong locations
- Testimonial Slideshow does not work in ajax portfolio content
- Switching off the iCarousel post type from Theme Options -> Advanced -> Manage Theme -> iCarousel Post Type will not make the iCarousel menu item removed
- Google map inside hidden tab causes to stop working
- Text Block P tag in first paragraph issue
- Theme Settings Loading box issue
- mk-smooth does not calculate the height correctly